Logar Honey extractors
Selected tangential extractors
Selected Radial - honeyextractors
Selected self-turning extractors
Overview of all honey extractors depending on type and drive
Tangential honey extractors

Tangential honey extractors - Manual
- 4005 - 3-Frames-Extractor, tangential, manual, barrel 40 cm, frames 26,5 x 48 cm
- 4006 - 3-Frames-Extractor, tangential, manual, barrel 52 cm, frames 37 x 48 cm, universal
- 4105 - 4-Frames-Extractor, tangential, manual, barrel 52 cm, frames 30 x 48 cm
- 4108 - 4-Frames-Extractor, manual, barrel 52 cm, without going through middle axle, frames 30 x 48 cm
- 4120 - 4-Frames-Extractor, tangential, manual, barrel 63 cm, frames 37 x 48 cm, universal
- 4122 - 4-Frames-Extractor, manual, barrel 63 cm, without going through middle axle, frames 37 x 48 cm, universal
- 4111 - Logar 4-Waben Honigschleuder, Handantrieb mit Siebkanne, 30x48, Kessel Durchmesser 52 cm

Tangential honey extractors - Motor drive
- 4104 - 4-Frames-Extractor, tangential, motor 110W, barrel 52 cm, frames 30 x 48 cm
- 4007 - 3-Frames-Extractor, tangential, motor 110W, barrel 52 cm, frames 37 x 48 cm, universal
- 4107 - 4-Frames-Extractor, motor 110W, barrel 52 cm, without going through middle axle, frames 30 x 48 cm
- 4121 - 4-Frames-Extractor, tangential, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm, frames 37 x 48 cm, universal
- 4123 - 4-Frames-Extractor, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm, without going through middle axle, frames 37 x 48 cm, universal
- 4110 - Logar 4-Waben Honigschleuder, Motorantrieb mit Siebkanne, 30x48, Kessel Durchmesser 52 cm

Tangential honey extractors - Automatic drive
Radial honey extractors

Radial honey extractors - Manual

Radial honey extractors - Motor drive
- 4541 - 9-Frames Radial extractor, motor 110W, barrel 52 cm, frames 18 x 48 cm
- 4551-Z - 12 Frames Radial extractor, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm, Zander
- 4551 - 12/8-Frames Radial extractor, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm
- 4557 - 20/8-Frames Radial extractor, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm + 4 tangential screens
- 4560 - 24/12-Frames Radial extractor, motor 110W, barrel 76 cm
- 4559 - 12-Frames Radial extractor with grids, motor 110W, barrel 76 cm

Radial honey extractors - Automatic drive
- 4551A - Logar 12/8-Waben-Radialschleuder, Kessel 63 cm, Vollautomatik Antrieb, Motor 110W, Rähmchen 24 x 48 cm
- 4551ACH1 - 12-Waben-Radialschleuder für Schweizer Honigrahmen, Kessel 63 cm, 110W Motor, Vollautomatik Antrieb
- 4551ACH1 - 12-Waben-Radialschleuder für Schweizer Honigrahmen, Kessel 63 cm, 110W Motor, Vollautomatik Antrieb
- 4555 - Logar 20/8-Frame-Radialextractor, Barrel 63 cm, fully automatic drive, Motor110W, frames 24 x 48 cm + 4 Tangential screens
- 4553 - 12/8-Frames Radial extractor, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm
- 4561 - 24/12-Frames Radial extractor, programautomatic, barrel 76 cm, 180W
- 4580 - 12-Frames Radial extractor with grids, programautomatic, barrel 76 cm
- 4572 - 40/16-Frames Radial extractor, programautomatic, barrel 95 cm, 370W
- 4570 - 32-Frames Radial extractor, programautomatic, barrel 95 cm, 370W
- 4573 - 48-Frames Radial extractor, programautomatic, barrel 110 cm, 750W
Self-turning honey extractors

Self-turning honey extractors - Motor drive
- 4205 - 4-Frames self-turning extractor, motor 110W, barrel 63 cm, frames 23 x 48 cm
- 4200 - Extractor 4F self-turning,motor 110W, barrel 76
- 4203 - 4-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 110W, barrel 76 cm, frames 28,6 x 48 cm
- 4305 - 6-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 110W, barrel 76 cm, frames 23 x 48 cm

Self-turning honey extractors - Automatic drive
- 4206 - 4-Frames Self-turning extractor, programautomatic, 23 x 48 cm, barrel 63 cm,110W-M
- 4506 - 4-Frames Self-turning extractor, programautomatic, 23 x 48 cm, barrel 63 cm,110W-M
- 4201 - 4-Frames Self-turning extractor, 180W motor, programautomatic, barrel 76 cm, frames 26,5 x 48 cm
- 4204 - 4-Frames Self-turning extractor, 180W motor, programautomatic, barrel 76 cm, frames 28,6 x 48 cm
- 4302 - 6-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 180W, programautomatic, frames 23 x 48 cm
- 4306 - 6-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 180W, programautomatic, frames 26,5 x 48 cm
- 4208 - 4-Frames Self-turning extractor, 180W motor, programautomatic, barrel 76 cm, frames 28,6 x 48 cm
- 4300 - 6-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 250W, programautomatic, barrel 82 cm, frames 26,5 x 48 cm
- 4401 - 8-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 250W, programautomatic, barrel 82 cm, frames 23 x 48 cm
- 4304 - 6/12-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 370W, programautomatic, barrel 95 cm, frames 34 x 48 cm
- 4400 - 8-Frames Self-turning extractor, motor 370W, programautomatic, barrel 95 cm, frames 26,5 x 48 cm
Logar Honey Extractors Quality
Extractors are made of top-quality polished stainless steel, which provides the extractors with durability. All of the honey extractor parts that come into contact with honey are constructed of materials appropriate for managing foods and have been awarded the appropriate certificate. All motor-powered honey extractor have the EC Declaration of Conformity.
The company's production facility boasts state-of-the-art equipment, which allows highly innovative manufacturing of the bottom of extractors and welding without inner edges for easy cleaning. The bottoms are inclined towards the outlet, which makes it possible for the honey to drain out of the extractor more easily and completely.
A stainless honey tap is installed at the lowest point of the bottom so all of the honey can drain out of the extractor. Large-size extractors have two honey taps. The bottom tap serves the purposes of complete drainage, whereas the top one is installed a little higher, so there is always some honey left at the bottom of the drum as the ballast for further stabilisation of the extractor. This makes the extractor more stable whenever extraction involves frames of different weights.
Cassettes in self-turning baskets are made of vertical wires of corresponding density so as to prevent the honeycomb from getting damaged during extraction and the honey from being clogged in the cassette.
The acrylic glass lid allows you to watch the extraction process.
The extractors feature two handy built-in handles for carrying, as well as extremely robust and stable legs; they are very easy to assemble.
Tangential, Radial and Self-turning Honey Extractors
Our wide range of products includes extractors perfect for the needs of any beekeeper, regardless of the size of their beekeeping and beehive systems. We offer a large selection of honey extractors of various sizes. You can choose between tangential, self-turning or radial honey extractors that feature a manual drive, a motor drive or automation.
Tangential extractors are primarily intended for hobbyists. During extraction, the frame is positioned tangentially in relation to the drum to allow honey to drain more easily. Tangential extractors are suitable for extraction of honey from frames of even the largest sizes, which makes them the most universal extractor option. Also available are extractor baskets without the middle axle, which makes it possible to turn the frame around without taking it out from the basket.
Radial extractors are a perfect solution for beekeepers with low-height beehive frames. The centrifugal force and the natural tendency of the cells during rotation ensure that both sides of the frame are emptied simultaneously.
Self-turning honey extractors are intended primarily for beekeepers who deal with the extraction of viscous honey. Their main advantage is the self-turning of frames during the extraction process, which allows the entire process to be carried out completely automatically. During extraction, the honeycomb is within the cassettes, which protect it from getting damaged. When it comes to self-turning extractors, a full electronic speed control is recommended.
Drive options
Three different extractor drive options are available, namely a manual drive, a motor drive and automation.
The manual drive gear is recommended for smaller-sized honey extractors and is the most cost effective option. By turning the arm to the right the basket gets rotated and by turning it to the left the basket comes to a stop.
The motor drive is easy to use. The speed and direction of rotation are infinitely variable and controlled by means of a handle on the motor.
The automated full electronic speed control is recommended for self-turning and large-sized radial extractors. Automation makes it possible for the entire extraction process to take place automatically and independently, thus allowing the user to focus on other tasks during this time. Automation features eight pre-set programmes that can be changed at will. The drive is extremely quiet.